As a mother i considered u r a rude mother, rude to your child, your child is hunger for your attention and you just keep on texting on to yr hp, i don't know im touched because yr child is waving at you yet you didn't bother, she wanted to follow her nanny but not until you wave goodbye to her, i know this is a hospital you might not bothering yr child because u r pregnant, your child looks like she is mute, maybe you stuck on hospital's bill but for heaven fucking sake look at your child carry her or ask her what does she wants, im not freaking fucking care the shrieking sound of your child im annoyed because im guessing her needs is being abandoned my you the fringing motherrr, and unbelievable you are carrying another one in your tummy im wishing that u can stop doing whatever the urgency and give a min to yr child im fucking sure the cashier or the pharmacist wouldn't mind rather than us being an audience to your lack of sensitivity towards yr
throutcomingoutcryingchild huh
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ps: last year post